Monday, May 24, 2010

My Adventure Camping in the Desert

Current mood:  hungry
Category: Blogging
I was recently crated off to the desert by the feeder and the feeders brother, oink.  The drive was long and I pooped myself, oink(yes I had to stand in it for several hours, but the feeder had to smell it too oink).  It was nice to get out of the house and smell the Joshua trees.  While I spend most of my time protecting the group of sissies I was with from all the wild Coyotes, oink.  I did have time to take some sweet photos of myself having a grand time, oink.  Hope everyone enjoys reliving the adventure with me, oink

Me standing oink

Me yawing Oink

Me streching oink

Me searching for food oink

Me eating grass oink

Me and feeders brother chillaxin oink

Me covered in sticks oink

More me covered in sticks, possibly twiggs, oink

Me laying in the shade, oink

Me in a sweet bed I made for myself oink

PS Oink- if you like my camera work let me know, Ill work for peanuts, literarily, oink

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